Proud Art STL
Workshops & Events
for LGBTQIA2S+ Middle and High Schoolers and their allies
FRI - sep 20 - Art workshop - shrewsbury city center
Artist: Gabrielle Zwick - Art: Fashion Illustration
wed - oct 2 - weekly hangout - central west end
FRI - oct 4 - art workshop - shrewsbury city center
wed - oct 9 - weekly hangout - central west end
wed - oct 16 - weekly hangout - central west end
FRI - oct 18 - art workshop - shrewsbury city center
wed - oct 23 - weekly hangout - central west end
wed - oct 30 - weekly hangout - central west end
fri - nov 1 - halloween party - shrewsbury city center
wed - nov 6 - weekly hangout - central west end
wed - nov 13 - weekly hangout - central west end
fri - nov 15 - art workshop - shrewsbury city center
wed - nov 20 - weekly hangout - central west end
sat - nov 30 - "friendsgiving" - central west end
wed - dec 4 - weekly hangout - central west end
fri - dec 6 - art workshop - shrewsbury city center
wed - dec 11 - weekly hangout - central west end
wed - dec 18 - weeklky hangout - central west end
fri - dec 20 - art workshop - shrewsbury city center
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